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Roy Goldberg Seminar - September 6-8, 2024

Join us in welcoming Roy Goldberg Shihan to Bozeman Aikido for the first time!

Roy Goldberg, 7 th dan, is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan. Goldberg Shihan was awarded the rare Kyoju Dairi teaching license by the Kodokai Menkyo Kaiden in Kitami Japan. Goldberg Shianhas trained over 4 decades with Kiyama Hayawo Shihan and leading Kodokai Shihan from Japan including three Menkyo Kaiden. He is also the only non-Japanese to receive the 3rd Scroll in the Daito Ryu transmission, the Hi Ogi or "Inner Secrets. 

Daito Ryu is a link to the art of Ueshiba Morihei's teacher Takeda Sokaku and will provide a new perspective on your own Aikido practice. Kiyamakai-style Daito Ryu focuses on subtle, soft kuzushi.

 For more information visit

  • Fri Sept 6, 2024. 6-8 pm
  • Sat Sept 7, 2024. 1-5pm
  • Sun Sept 8, 2024 10am-2pm
  • $160 Full Seminar 
  • Fri $50, Sat $100, Sun $100


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